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NGF Digest 007: Book Contest Winner, Gluten-Free Dining, Respiratory Diseased, Metabolical Review
May 22, 2022

Issue 007 – May 2022

Go ahead and pass this newsletter along if you know someone who would benefit from info on living gluten-free and some of my best recipes.

May is Celiac Awareness Month!

You may have noticed I’m a bit late with this month’s newsletter. That’s because I wanted to finish my exciting giveaway so I could announce the winner here!

And the Winner Is...

In honor of Celiac Awareness Month I gave away a free copy of Julie Daniluk’s Becoming Sugar Free. A big thanks to Julie for donating a copy of her book for this giveaway!

Congratulations Audrey, your book is on it's way.
Thanks to everyone who participated. Keep an eye on my Facebook page , there will be more giveaways to come!!

Featured Article

Gluten-Free Dining

This month I published the most comprehensive guide to gluten-free dining on the internet! I know that’s a tall claim, but it’s true.

This article will answer all your questions about eating out safely in restaurants:

- How to plan ahead
- How to choose a restaurant
- How to talk to your server
- What menu items to watch for

It's all right here, check it out.

Gluten-Free Dining

Featured Recipe

Almond Pecan Crusted Baked Haddock

Almond Pecan Crusted Baked Haddock

This delectable light tasting “breaded” fish recipe can be made with any white or light fleshed fish. It’s a great source of protein, it's low carb and packs a good helping of vitamin B12, vitamin B6, selenium, phosphorus, and omega 3. Did I mention it’s delicious?

News From the Scientific Community

Celiac and Respiratory Diseases

Photo by Kristine Wook on Unsplash

Did you know that people with celiac have a 7% higher chance of contracting pneumonia than those without the disease?!?

That’s a good argument for getting your annual flu shot and you may also want to ask your doctor about a pneumonia shot.

At this time there is no evidence that people with celiac disease are more susceptible to COVID-19 than the rest of the population. Dr. Alessio Fasano of the Celiac Centre at Massachusetts General Hospital stresses that celiac patients are not immunocompromised and should take the same precautions that are recommended for everyone else.
Dr. Fasano is collecting preliminary data for a study on COVID outcomes for patients with diagnosed celiac disease. If you’d like to take part in the survey go here.

What I’m Pondering

What Comes Next?

In last months newsletter I let you in on the fact that hubby and I are doing Keto. It’s gone well so far. He’s lost just over 30 pounds; I’m plateaued at about eight. That’s okay, for me it was more about the inflammation anyway.

We are actually enjoying the food, and there is a good variety, but I don’t really think it’s sustainable for the long term. Not just because I miss potatoes and pasta (I do) but there are lots of healthy delicious foods like beans, lentils, squash and gluten-free grains that I’d like to add back into my diet at some point. The challenge is that we need to find a way to do that without undoing everything we’ve accomplished on Keto.

Answer: Mediterranean

I’m sure you’ve heard all the hype about the Mediterranean diet. How it’s heart healthy and good for your waistline. Well, my America’s Test Kitchen, Mediterranean cookbook came a couple of weeks ago and I’ve already started to try some recipes. The best part about the Mediterranean diet is that it’s a whole food diet and you know that’s right up my alley.

Watch the website for my impressions as I experiment more. I’d love to bring you along with me. Also watch for my review of the Konscious Keto plan that we’ve been following for the last two months.

Do you have any experience with the Mediterranean Diet? Join the conversation at NGF FB Group

What I’m reading

Metabolical Review

Here's my long awaited review of Dr. Robert Lustigs' book Metabolical.
Review: Metabolical

On Deck

Gluten Freedom by Dr.Alessio Fasano I watched a recorded interview with Dr. Fasano a few weeks ago and was blown away. This man is so knowledegable about celiac disease and is on the cutting edge of research. He's the first doctor I've heard make a direct connection between gut dysbiosis (an unhealthy microbiome) and celiac disease. I HAVE to read this book.

I'll also be spending some time with my new America's Test Kitchen Mediterranean Cookbook. So watch for a review of that.

A New E-Book from Naturally Gluten-Free

Some of you have been asking for advice for the newly diagnosed. A “Beginner’s Guide” so to speak. Well, I started working on it and soon realized that it is much more than just a web page. I’ve decided to create a hyperlinked e-book for you which will likely come out mid-2022. I’ll keep you posted here in the newsletter and on Facebook.

That’s all for this month.

I’d love to hear from you. Let me know what you’d like to see in the newsletter. Just drop me a line from my Contact Page .

Talk to you in June.

In the meantime, you can follow me on Facebook at

Or on Pinterest at NGF-Pinterest

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I respect your privacy! I won't use your email for anything other than to send you my newsletter.

1. MediLexicon International. (n.d.). Artery-clogging saturated fat myth debunked. Medical News Today. Retrieved April 9, 2022, from,-eating-real-food

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